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Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien, Billrothhaus, Gesellschaft der Ärzte

Impromtu Man: JL Moreno and the Origins of Psychodrama, Encounter Culture, and the Social Network
Prof. Dr. Jonathan D. Moreno | Buchpräsentation: Impromptu Man, J.L. Moreno: From Vienna to the world (im Lesesaal des Josephinum)
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Dauer: 31:12

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Impromptu Man captures the remarkable impact of a singular genius, J.L. Moreno, whose creations - the best-known being psychodrama—have shaped our culture in myriad ways, many unrecognized. The record will be set straight for all time by this can’t-put-down biography, a tribute by Jonathan D. Moreno to his father’s masterly legacy.” - DANIEL GOLEMAN, author of Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ

Jonathan D. Moreno, called the “most interesting bioethicist of our time” by the American Journal of Bioethics, is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress.

Titel:Impromtu Man: JL Moreno and the Origins of Psychodrama, Encounter Culture, and the Social Network
Vortragender: Jonathan D. Moreno (Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Dauer:31:12 min.
Fach: -
Art: Buchpräsentation
Veranstaltung: Buchpräsentation: Impromptu Man, J.L. Moreno: From Vienna to the world (im Lesesaal des Josephinum)