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Clinics in Chest Medicine (Online-Bestand: March 1996 -)
Clinics in Family Practice
Clinics in Geriatric Medicine (Online-Bestand: February 2000 -)
Clinics in Laboratory Medicine (Online-Bestand: March 2002 -)
Clinics in Liver Disease (Online-Bestand: May 1997 -)
Clinics in Perinatology (Online-Bestand: March 2000 -)
Clinics in Sports Medicine (Online-Bestand: January 1997 -)
CNS: Neuroscience And Therapeutics (Online-Bestand: 14,2008 - )
Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Therapy and Research (Online-Bestand: 1997-)
Côlon & Rectum (Online-Bestand: 2007-)
Colorectal Disease (Online-Bestand: 1.1999 -)
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology (Online-Bestand: 24.1996 -)
Community Mental Health Journal (Online-Bestand: 1.1975 -)
Comparative Clinical Pathology (Online-Bestand: 2002-)
Comparative Hepatology (Online-Bestand: 1.2002 -)
Concepts In Magnetic Resonance (Online-Bestand: 2.1990 -)
Concepts In Magnetic Resonance Part B (Online-Bestand: 16.2003 -)
Conflict and Health (Online-Bestand: 1.2007 -)
Congenital anomalies (Online-Bestand: 36.1996 -)
Congenital Heart Disease (Online-Bestand: 1.2010 -)
Congestive Heart Failure (Online-Bestand: 6.2000 - )
Contact dermatitis (Online-Bestand: 34.1996 -)
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging (Online-Bestand: 1.2006 -)
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation (Online-Bestand: 1.2003 -)
Critical Care (Online-Bestand: 1.1997 -)
Critical Care Clinics (Online-Bestand: January 1996 -)
Critical Care Medicine
Critical Ultrasound Journal (Online-Bestand: 1.2009 -)
Current Allergy and Asthma Reports (Online-Bestand: 2001-)
Current Anesthesiology Reports (Online-Bestand: 2013-)
Current Atherosclerosis Reports (Online-Bestand: 1999-)
Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports (Online-Bestand: 2006-)
Current Breast Cancer Reports (Online-Bestand: 2009-)
Current Cardiology Reports (Online-Bestand: 1999-)
Current Cardiovascular Imaging Reports (Online-Bestand: 2008-)
Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports (Online-Bestand: 2007-)
Current Colorectal Cancer Reports (Online-Bestand: 2005-)
Current Dermatology Reports (Online-Bestand: -)
Current Diabetes Reports (Online-Bestand: 2001-)
Current Emergency and Hospital Medicine Reports (Online-Bestand: 2013-)
Current Fungal Infection Reports (Online-Bestand: 2007-)
Current Gastroenterology Reports (Online-Bestand: 1999-)
Current Genetic Medicine Reports (Online-Bestand: 2013-)
Current Geriatrics Reports (Online-Bestand: -)
Current Heart Failure Reports (Online-Bestand: 2004-)
Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports (Online-Bestand: 2006-)
Current Hepatology Reports (Online-Bestand: 2002-)