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The American journal of cardiology (Online-Bestand: 2012- 2015)
American journal of clinical pathology (+ Suppl.: Pathology patterns) (Online-Bestand: 113.2000 -)
akt. 12 Monate nicht verfügbar
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine (Online-Bestand: January 1995 -)
American Journal Of Human Biology (Online-Bestand: 1.1989 -)
American Journal Of Industrial Medicine (Online-Bestand: 30.1996 -)
American Journal of Infection Control (Online-Bestand: 8.1980 -)
American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part A (Online-Bestand: 61.1996 - )
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology (Online-Bestand: January 1995 -)
American journal of ophthalmology (Online-Bestand: January 2004 -)
American journal of reproductive immunology (Online-Bestand: 35.1996 -)
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine (Online-Bestand: 156.1997 -)
aktuellen 12 Monate nicht verfügbar
American journal of roentgenology (Online-Bestand: 95.1965 -)
aktuellen 12 Monate nicht verfügbar
The American journal of surgery (Online-Bestand: January 2001 -)
American journal of transplantation (Online-Bestand: 2001 -)
The American Journal On Addictions (Online-Bestand: 6.1997 -)
Anaesthesia (Online-Bestand: 8.1953 -)
Der Anaesthesist (Online-Bestand: 43.1994 -)
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia: Journal of veterinary medicine Series C (Online-Bestand: 25.1996 -)
The Anatomical record (Online-Bestand: 244.1996-)
Anatomical Science International (Online-Bestand: 2002-)
Andrologia (Online-Bestand: 28.1996 -)
Anesthesiology (Online-Bestand: 102.2005 - 122.2015,1)
Anesthesiology Clinics (Online-Bestand: March 2007 -)
Anesthesiology Clinics of North America
Animal Biotelemetry (Online-Bestand: 1.2013 -)
Animal genetics (Online-Bestand: 27.1996 -)
Animal science journal (Online-Bestand: 73.2002 -)
Annales françaises de médecine d'urgence (Online-Bestand: 2011-)
Annals of Behavioral Medicine (Online-Bestand: 1997-)
Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials (Online-Bestand: 1.2002 -)
Annals of Emergency Medicine (Online-Bestand: January 1995 -)
Annals of Family Medicine (Online-Bestand: May/June 2003 -)
Annals of General Psychiatry (Online-Bestand: 1.2002 -)
Annals of hematology (Online-Bestand: 1. 1955 -)
Annals of human genetics (Online-Bestand: 60.1996 -)
Annals of Intensive Care (Online-Bestand: 1.2011 -)
Annals of internal medicine (Online-Bestand: 7.1934 - 124.1996; [N=33;72; L=12])
Annals of noninvasive electrocardiology (Online-Bestand: 1.1996 -)
Annals of Nuclear Medicine (Online-Bestand: 1997-)
Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (Online-Bestand: 25.2013 -)
Annals of surgery
Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research (Online-Bestand: 1.2007 -)
Annals of Surgical Oncology (Online-Bestand: 1997-)
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (Online-Bestand: 1997 -)
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control (Online-Bestand: 1.2012 -)
ANZ Journal of surgery (Online-Bestand: 10.1996 -)
APMIS (Online-Bestand: 104.1996 -)
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Online-Bestand: 1.1976 -)
Applied Psychology
Aquatic Biosystems (Online-Bestand: 1.2005 -)